I love the term forest bathing. If you have ever gone for a walk in the woods, where you hear very few sounds outside of nature, you intuitively understand the term. Unless there are swarms of mosquitos, or a bear attack, a walk in the woods does wonders to cleanse your mind and spirit of the juju of our every day lives.
Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park is my favorite place to go when I am in Northern California. I always make the time for a stroll through the Giants, and enthusiastically convince my crew to join me. It is not showy as Big Basin Redwood Forest, its more like the shy, understated younger sister, who it turns out has as least as much to offer as her fancy older sibling. If you go first thing in the morning, there is no line, no crowds no hoards all pushing you in to the forest. Just a quiet lot, a port a potty and one mile loop through the magnificent trees.
Your spirit will thank you for the cleanse. Happy trails!